Thermocouple foil fixing – DC series

Thermocouple foil fixing – DC series

This type of thermocouple allows surface temperature measurements, and withstands high temperatures up to 700 °C.

The jacketed part of the thermocouple provides insulation and very good temperature resistance. The insulated hot point in the Inconel sheath is protected and does not suffer from disturbances or interference.

The foil helps hold and secure while ensuring a good contact area.

Product reference : DC series - FP 2363
Availability : Mainly in stock
Technical sheets

Detailed description

It is used when the surface to be measured presents difficult access for instrumentation.

Its plate can be electrically pointed at the surface to be measured or the fixing can be carried out by means of a clamping collar, allowing the heat dissipation induced by the latter.

The shape and dimensions of the plate are adaptable.

Associated products
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Display portable temperature universal data logger 1, 2, 4 channels – PN6 4V series

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